My blog is of my creations, My furniture, using wood I have collected from here and there, occasionally buying some to make up the difference.
My design is often based around what I have available.
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My Trade Mark

My Trade Mark
I'm into diamonds

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

To clean the outside

To clean the outside we use a shower as we think a bath is a thing of the past and who would want to bathe in their own dirt, and finally we have one that is big enough and I am not always bashing my elbows on the mixer tap.
As is usual I still have some finishing to do but I can see this room being finished soon, there are some bits of trim around the ceiling to put up and the floor to varnish, the floor has been a big job as I have used all reclaimed floor boards doing my best to clean them up, I have drilled out the nail holes and used them where possible to re fix with screws then use wooden plugs over the screws I have used a 12mm plug so I was able to drill out as much of the dirty stains left by rusty nails this means that the line of plugs is not straight as would have been nice but in an old house you can't have everything.
The white tile on the walls is a cement based board with a polyester coating in the form of tiles the sheet size is 2.4 X 1.2 and in most instances have not cut well so there is a lot of waste, the dark half wall matches the wall opposite and is a wood grain, the wall on the other side seems to have come lighter over the past few months since I installed it and now looks more red and less black and that I like.
In the last post I showed the brackets and steel inserts to carry the weight of the glass and it has all worked out to my plan, the glass sits about 8mm inside the shower tray up stand and is about 10mm lower than the top of the step so there is no water getting out as it runs down the glass and drips of into the tray, now the door is much further away as it is a slider that slides on the inside so there is a gap of almost 50mm and the water is bouncing up off the tray and the step is wet after a shower but not the floor its a small problem and overall is very successful.
I would like to think the dark wood draw cabinet will not be staying in the room as there are too many wood types and colours in the room it is at the moment convenient but one day I would like to use the off cuts from the wall panels and make a cupboard, that could be a way off yet.  


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