My blog is of my creations, My furniture, using wood I have collected from here and there, occasionally buying some to make up the difference.
My design is often based around what I have available.
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My Trade Mark

My Trade Mark
I'm into diamonds

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Hot and Busy

Its our hottest time of year, we have touched 30 degrees and there is not enough rain.
We have 3 of these ranch sliders into the house, the sun belts into this one and they all condensate at times during the year so I didn't want carpet hard up to the aluminum, I have replaced the damaged flooring with tanalised ply then a layer of slate and tile underlay before fixing these tiles, well I have done 2 of the 3 doors.
I have finally submitted the plans to council for a second bathroom it will be an en-suite to a bedroom with toilet, shower and hand basin, the room started its life as a small 3rd bedroom many years ago
before the extension bedroom was added, it will now become wash room and passage way or just a bedroom and en-suit leaving the other bathroom for use by the other bedroom occupants.
I have stripped it back to just wood work, the ceiling was damaged from years of roof leaks the walls were old poor quality gib board wall paper on wall paper then painted, well its all gone now, and now there will be wiring to go in the walls for heater and towel rail for lights and pipes for this and that.
During the stripping of the walls I came across this wasp nest I was lucky that it was a long time dead and while I did try to clean it out much of it is unreachable so I removed what I could but much of it remains just out of reach even with the vacuum cleaner, the black cable is the main feed to my switch board from the meter box outside, the wasp nest is above the soffit on the south side of the house.
The bath room while a different shape to the other one will be along the same theme and I hope that in 10 weeks it will be all done at we have some one coming to use the room, should I panic, or just carry on and enjoy the sun when it shines.  

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