My blog is of my creations, My furniture, using wood I have collected from here and there, occasionally buying some to make up the difference.
My design is often based around what I have available.
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My Trade Mark

My Trade Mark
I'm into diamonds

Sunday, August 8, 2010

On A Roll

Sometimes I just want to see progress, so this week I have done a small amount as I arrive home from work even if its just clean up the mess from the previous day, and it has put me ahead for the weekend, so this is the result from a concentrated weekend, I an still putting the house back together after the heat pump installation so that ate up a few hours, 40 lengths of the pool and a good beach walk gave a bit of balance to a working weekend.
The photo is a work in progress the top is sanded ( the edges aren't ) I made a decision to include a stripe around the skirt the same as the one in the top, and now I am so pleased to see the way it wraps around the corner, the legs will be planted on the face of the skirt so some of the blank space is dissolve, now I can't wait to get on but of course I have to make the legs.  

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