My blog is of my creations, My furniture, using wood I have collected from here and there, occasionally buying some to make up the difference.
My design is often based around what I have available.
Comments welcome, thanks for your visit.

My Trade Mark

My Trade Mark
I'm into diamonds

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Banding a trial

I had to see what else I could do with banding, I was asked to create a tray, I had found what was a kit of thick veneers for making skate boards American maple some of it is whiter and for this I used the not so white as I see it all as just another experiment, so I had all what I needed to start a new banding, this time the white is thicker than I used on the table about the same thickness as the red, now I am thinking of putting the banding you see back to back and creating an arrow affect but that is in the future, the tray is of course sapele I think it will have a pale European Beach surround that will incorporate a handle.
There are so many choices to be made about banding and looking at what is here I can see other options.


  1. So nice to catch up with you today. Thank you very much for showing me some of the city of sails, and for the chance to see some of your lovely work with wood. Best Wishes, Peter

  2. What beautiful wood work you do; love the tables on Peter's blog especially the three legged one; I was recently in North Carolina and noticed many of the barns had triangles and squares on point as tiny windows for ventilation and had never seen that before, strange how a square is so interesting when viewed on point.

  3. I was haveing a quiet read of some of my 'friends' blogs when I came across you via Peter ....can I say WOW ...your work is amazing the previous table ...makes me think of Deco style ...and again ...WOW you are so talented.

  4. Hi Angie
    Well thank u so very much for those kind words, having tools and wood in my hands is just what I have always done, but there is so very much more to the big picture and almost every one who sees my work gives me a little or a lot to think about and learn from, I think i have forgotten more than what I now know.
    It is taking a lot to learn that patience and time are so useful talents to have.
    Regards Bob

  5. Hi Linda
    Yes the three legged table is a bit different, the patten on the top has been used many times before and for many years, of course three legs are perfect for any chair table as it will not wobble as a 4 legged one could.
    Thanks for the comment
