My blog is of my creations, My furniture, using wood I have collected from here and there, occasionally buying some to make up the difference.
My design is often based around what I have available.
Comments welcome, thanks for your visit.

My Trade Mark

My Trade Mark
I'm into diamonds

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Ex Inani

 A few post ago I posted a smaller version of this, that one was the first I had made I said at the time I would make another one and here it is.

The first one is much finer thinner walled and lighter, this one being thicker and of heavy wood needed a more robust base I also liked the idea of it being able to swing in its mounting in fact by removing the top pin the feature piece can be removed the base turned to face the other direction then the feature remounted top to bottom.

Both the feature and the base were made on the wood lathe, the semi circle white wood that holds the feature is made by laminating 6 pieces of wood together each piece being 2mm thick, within this piece is a bit of everything I like to do, the wood turning, wood bending and laminating, the carving on the base and the pyrogrophy on the base.

The feature piece is Walnut the white curved mounting piece is Tawa and the base is Rimu, the piece stands 440mm high and 300mm wide.

Unless collecting dust is useful this has no use what so ever, however I will enjoy looking at it, tomorrow it will be put in an art exhibition that for me is an extension to the fun I had making it

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