My blog is of my creations, My furniture, using wood I have collected from here and there, occasionally buying some to make up the difference.
My design is often based around what I have available.
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My Trade Mark

My Trade Mark
I'm into diamonds

Monday, June 15, 2015

Windows and Garden

The windows arrived then it was my turn, I wanted to avoid painting the liners so I had them delivered loose and spent a while gluing formica to the face and edge, I used PVA or epoxy both work very well, then I used biscuits and epoxy to glue up the miters as it is the miters that often part as water gets into them and look tatty after a few years.
This photo is of the completed laundry wall, I used some of the old floorboards to edge the ply around the window creating a look I an so pleased with, the white liner behind the washing machine is 4.5mm
thick glued to 7mm ply, I used a H jointer between the 12mm ply and the white board below giving a very neat finish, at the window I cut off the legs of the plastic jointer.

All three windows are in now and the wall is lined with gib board unfortunately the supplier is out of the tile looking board I want to use on the walls in the bathroom so this room is going to look like this for some time now, I did install a new toilet, the project daunted me as there is a great lump of concrete below that the pipe comes through and used to show around the toilet, once I started demolition and saw how it had been assembled many years ago my concerns were not what I thought though I did dash off to the hire shop for a kango hammer which made the job easier on the arms, the mess at the top of the wall is my attempt to create a straight line for a scotia to fix to at a later date, the floor will all be tawa tounge and groove but not till the new shower base is installed, the shower will be in front of the toilet.
I had to find somewhere to plant 3 Blueberry trees that arrived home so I decided to have a break from house alterations, the bottom of the garden has for years been a dumping ground for grass clippings piling up the fence higher and higher, the Feijoa tree is now much smaller than it was so a plan was hatched to create a raised garden I am not sure how it is going to be used but it is stamping my mark on the back garden, a change in colour of the back fence could be in line.   

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